Links to funding options for conference travel, lodging, and registration
Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (meets in early January)
Charlotte Mangum Student Support Program Students presenting at SICB can apply for reduced housing or waived registration fees Broadening Participation Travel Awards (deadline in late October) Defrayed travel costs for students, postdocs and faculty from underrepresented groups Dorothy M. Skinner Award (deadline in late October, requires supporting letter) Travel support for an outstanding female postdoc or PhD student to present at SICB |
Joint Evolution Meeting (SSE-ASN-SSB) (meets in late June or early July)
ASN Graduate Student Travel Grants Presenting grad students who are ASN members can apply for $500 to support travel SSE / BEACON Undergraduate Diversity Travel Awards Travel and registration plus mentoring for talented & diverse undergraduate presenters SSE Grad Student and Postdoc Travel Supplements Presenting grad students and postdocs can request a $500 US travel award SSE International Travel Stipends Travel stipends for international participants at various career stages Volunteering at the Conference Grad students can work 4 hours in exchange for a rebate of their early registration fee |